I'm a Full Stack developer, in the realm of front-end development, I'm proficient in utilizing popular JavaScript frameworks such as React , Vue and Next JS. I also have a good grasp of PHP , using it's Framework Laravel for web development and back-end database modelling, proficiency in intergrating Inertia with React , Vue with Laravel and CodeIgniter.
My mastery of these libraries allows me to craft elegant and responsive user interfaces that not only look stunning but also
deliver exceptional user experiences. Whether it's building dynamic web applications or designing engaging user interfaces,
Also back-end intergration and modeling of the server to communicate via API's to the client side and database design.

Social Links :

I'm a software developer doing great designs and website's, Web Application Development:
Creating web applications using React and Vue to deliver responsive, dynamic, and interactive user interfaces.
User Interface (UI) Design:
Design visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces that enhance the overall user experience.
Single Page Applications (SPAs):
Build SPAs that load once and dynamically update content without requiring full-page refreshes, providing a smoother user experience. I'm also able to interact with data from the back-end and consuming api- data to be intergrated in front-end applications. I have good skills set in Dj'ango MVC model, also Lravel using Inretia for React and Vue , for designing user interfaces and for the best user experience's. Not to foorget Node Js, and Express and it's framework, I have skills to match api modeling and creation and Controllers for functionalities and working of both front-end and back-end applications.

I'm proficient in technologies like JavaScript, React, Vue 3, Nuxt 3, Django, Python, PHP, Laravel, CSS, Tailwind CSS, React Native, and CodeIgniter. My journey through the diverse landscape of web and mobile development has endowed me with a robust skill set that thrives on both creativity and technical prowess. From crafting dynamic single-page applications with React and Vue 3 to building robust backends with Django and Laravel, I relish the challenge of translating complex requirements into seamless user experiences. My expertise in Tailwind CSS ensures that my designs are not only visually appealing but also highly responsive. Additionally, my experience with React Native enables me to create sophisticated mobile applications that maintain the elegance and performance of native apps. Each line of code I write is a testament to my commitment to quality, efficiency, and innovation, making me a versatile and valuable asset in any development team.


This is an Applicant Tracking System , web application that enables employe's to hire the best talent from a group of applicants , applying for a specific job.

3D Meta Landing Page

Virtual Reality Landing Page

Movie ANimation Clone

Animation Clone like hulu, renders movie cards from an api endpoint

Tasks Aplication App

Simple task application for managing priority tasks


At KaziQuest, I honed my skills in designing UI/UX using Nuxt 3 for the front-end and Django for the back-end. My responsibilities included code reviews, Git version control, testing, and consuming APIs from the back-end, ensuring seamless integration and high-quality user experiences. I expertly crafted dynamic front-end experiences while leveraging Django for robust back-end functionality. My role encompassed meticulous code reviews, efficient version control with Git, and rigorous testing, ensuring top-notch performance and user satisfaction. Through these efforts, I contributed to creating seamless, responsive, and highly functional web applications that delighted users and met business objectives.

Kenya Power Lighting Company(KPLC)

At Kenya Power, I excelled in networking, project management, routing, and hardware and software solutions. My role involved comprehensive database management, software installations, and troubleshooting technical issues. I collaborated closely with Kenya Power engineers, providing essential assistance and meticulous documentation for IT projects. Through strategic project management and hands-on technical expertise, I ensured seamless operations and contributed to the successful implementation of various IT initiatives, enhancing the overall efficiency and reliability of Kenya Power's technological infrastructure. My dynamic skill set and proactive approach drove continuous improvements and streamlined processes within the organization.

Inspired by: Emmanuel Wangila

Reach Me at: 0798719417

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